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Planning Board Minutes August 4, 2005
August 4, 2005

Roll Call
        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
        Bruce Jennings
        Derek Tatlock
        Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member
        Philip Porter, Alternate
        Michael Marquise, Town Planner
        Joan Bleau, Secretary Pro tem

        Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chairman
        Allan Davis
        Robert Rieseberg
        John Wheeler, Alternate
        Fred Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate
        Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
        Darlene Morse, Secretary

OTHERS ATTENDING: See attached sign-in sheet.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.  The minutes of the July 7, 2005 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously by the Board.

Chairman Chalmers appointed Philip Porter to vote in the absence of Allan Davis.

Michael Marquise advised of two revisions to the agenda for tonight’s meeting.  The continuation for Maryanne Henry, 34 River Rd., preliminary site plan review hearing for a 100 seat restaurant and two residential units (revised to 4 at a prior meeting) has been cancelled and will be submitted as a final hearing for the September meeting.  A tree cutting request consultation has been submitted by Claire and Richard Segall, Map 113, Lot 14, and will be heard at tonight’s meeting.

Map 225, Lot 36.  McDonough Family Properties, Final Site Plan Review and Subdivision Annexation for Self-Storage Facilities, Route 103 and Depot Rd.

Michael Marquise advised the Board that the subdivision plan statement, zoning district, and the setback lines on two lots have been added to the site plan.  

Peter Blakeman addressed the Board and advised that they are working on getting NH DOT acceptance and storm water permits.  They have made changes to bring the disturbed area below 100,000 square feet.  The retaining walls by the buildings will be 42 inches or less and they have made changes to the pavement radius by the entrance.  The landscape plan has been amended for the retaining walls and they will be planting rhododendrons between the existing pines on Depot Rd.  A copy of the site plan was given to the Fire Chief for him to look at and give a written comment.

Abutter Robert Gonyea asked if there will be an increased amount of flow to the drainage and Mr. Blakeman advised that there will not be  and that the matter will be looked at very closely with NH DOT.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the plan as presented with the conditions of sign off by the Fire Chief and NH DOT.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously by the Board.

Map 116, Lots 6 & 7.  Christopher Domian and Dianne Perkins, 10 Northwest Lane,

Michael Marquise advised that the application was filed three weeks in advance, fees were paid, abutters notices sent, and notices were posted.  The application falls under Section 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations.  Under Section 6.05B, the Board can waive existing and proposed contours, existing and proposed utilities, and storm water drainage.  He also advised that a variance has been granted by the Zoning Board.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to accept the application as complete subject to the waivers as listed by Michael Marquise.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously by the Board.

Christopher Domian advised the Board that a special exception and a variance were granted by the Zoning Board on January 13, 2005.  He explained the subdivision/annexation to the members advising that this will add land to his property that will provide more room for their vehicle parking and, perhaps, the ability to build a garage in the future.  

There were no abutters present.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the subdivision/annexation as presented.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously by the Board.

Map 234, Lot 2.  Raymond and Lillian Nutting, 428 Stagecoach Rd., Annexation/Boundary Adjustment.

Michael Marquise advised that the application was filed three weeks in advance, fees were paid, abutters notices sent, and notices were posted.  The application falls under Section 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations and under Section 6.05, the Board can waive a boundary survey, existing and proposed contours, existing and proposed utilities, and storm water drainage.  

A motion was made by Philip Porter to accept the application as complete, waiving the items listed by Michael Marquise.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously by the Board.  

Michael explained that the plan is for a boundary line adjustment.

There were no abutters present.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the subdivision/annexation as presented.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously by the Board.

Map 211, Lot 18.  Mrs. Frederick C. Kulow, 962 Route 11, Site Plan Review to update parking details.

Michael Marquise advised that the application was filed three weeks in advance, fees were paid, abutters were notified, and notices were posted.  The application falls under Article 5 of the Site Plan Review Regulations and that it is an amendment to a previously approved site plan in 1990.  The Board can waive existing and proposed contours since there is no alteration to the terrain.  He advised that this case was started because Zoning Administrator Roger Landry noticed that the use had increased because of the amount of cars parked there.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to accept the application as complete subject to existing and proposed contours, storm water drainage, and any other items to bring the plan up to current standards.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously by the Board.  

Mrs. Kulow stated that there have been no changes to the property.  They have 14-15 full time employees and 4 part time after school employees.  There are 4 people in the warehouse and 10 in the other building.  They market and ship skin care cosmetics imported from Germany.  They have a warehouse in Claremont and shipping is done from the Sunapee location.  She stated there would be a maximum of 20 to 25 employees, including the High School students.  

Michael Marquise advised that they should have the septic system evaluated.  Derek Tatlock questioned the parking surface and Mrs. Kulow advised that it is stone.  Peggy Chalmers questioned the hours of operation and Mrs. Kulow stated that they are 8AM to 5PM.  Bruce Jennings stated that he is comfortable with the plan as is, but if the business grows, he would like to see more buffering.  Peggy Chalmers questioned if this is a grandfathered use and Michael Marquise stated that it is as this is a Rural Residential District.  The amended plan shows 27 parking spaces.  Peggy Chalmers questioned the size of the trucks used and Mrs. Kulow advised that they use large trucks from their warehouse in Claremont during the day.  Peggy also stated that the septic capacity should be able to handle 25 people.

A motion was made by Derek Tatlock to approve the proposal with the condition of evaluation of the septic system to handle 25 people by a licensed septic designer.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously by the Board.

Bruce Jennings suggested a planting buffer at the end of the parking area would be desirable and Mrs. Kulow advised that is the area where they plow the snow.

Map 113, Lot 14.  Claire and Richard Segall Jobs Creek., Tree Cutting Request

Chris Connors, landscaping consultant, presented the request.  They have an approved tree cutting request for five trees, but there are additional dead trees on the property that are hazardous.  There are also some trees that will be treated.  

A letter from Bruce Burdett in support of the project was presented (see attached).  Ms. Connors advised that she has also consulted with Van Webb and he provided some suggestions of other trees to be removed.

Peggy Chalmers stated that it should be less than 50% in a 20 year period and evenly distributed, which is Planning Board criteria.

Ms. Connor stated that they would cut in the winter and remove the trees with a crane.  The stumps will stay and some will be ground down.  She has spoken to a representative from the State and they are in favor of the project.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the request as presented.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously by the Board.


Shoreline Protection and NH Drinking Water Quality

Chris Connors, presented a letter to the Board asking them to consider any ideas they feel would be important to address regarding revision of the Shoreline Protection Act (see letter attached).  She is also looking for feedback on uranium and radon issues regarding wells.  She stated that the State is looking for more information for water testing in order to identify specific areas that are problematic so they can provide “better recommendations for well drilling and blasting within certain kinds of bedrock”.  

Subdivision and Site Plan Regulation Amendments

Michael Marquise advised that he handed out some Subdivision & Site Plan amendments about two months ago and he would like any comments the members might have.  He would like to have a Public Hearing in October and he also understands that Roger is trying to get together a joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board with the attorney to discuss procedure and anything they might want to discuss on how to handle things.  He also noted that they will be working on Zoning Amendments which will be coming up in the late Fall for next Spring.

Peggy Chalmers expressed concern about the rate of development and should the Board be looking at it now.  Michael advised that the new Master Plan should address it.  Emma Smith suggested that they need to look at affordable senior housing and Michael advised that they have to look at the Master Plan to look at competing interests.  He explained that this is a 2 to 3 year project.  Philip Porter suggested they look at clear cutting for areas not on the lake.

9:04 PM - There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau, Secretary Pro tem

DATE:                                           PLANNING BOARD

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                        Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chairman

Bruce Jennings                          Derek Tatlock

Robert Rieseberg                                Allan Davis

John Wheeler, Alternate                 Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member

Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate  Philip Porter, Alternate